

Some Recent News can be found in our Newsletter.
Feel free to subscribe here.
Here are the past Newsletters, in case you have missed them:
☞ 2024 – April (EN+FR) – June (EN+FR) – October (EN+FR) – November (EN+FR)
☞ 2023 – July (EN+FR) – November (EN+FR) – December (EN+FR)
☞ 2022 – October (EN or FR) – November (EN or FR)
☞ 2021 – July (EN or FR) – October (EN or FR) – December (EN or FR)


★ 2024, Nov 7

40e Salon du Livre et de la Presse Jeunesse (SLPJ)

Je serai cette année au SLPJ de Montreuil, au niveau 1, stand A23b du Grand Marché de la Petite Édition !

Le Salon fête ses 40 ans et se tient du 27 novembre au 2 décembre. Entrée gratuite, billet obligatoire, à prendre en ligne. Horaires et billets :

Je vous y attends avec La Tour des Horreurs, Tenniel’s Alice in Wonderland, des kits de cartes animées Noël à faire soi-même, et autres pop-ups et livres à systèmes !

Bien sûr, juste avant ça le samedi 23 novembre, je serai au Salon du Livre Animé : D

À bientôt !

★ 2024, Oct 14

15e Salon du Livre Animé | SDLA 2024

J’organise cette année encore le Salon du Livre Animé, la seule rencontre annuelle au monde des créateurs de livres pop-up et des passionnés du livre à système, qui aura lieu le samedi 23 novembre 2024 de 14h à 18h à la Mairie du 9e, 6 rue Drouot à Paris !

J’y serai en l’excellente compagnie de Marion Bataille, Mathilde Bourgon, Elena Selena, Dominique Lagraula, Anne-Sophie Baumann, Arno Célérier, Olivier Charbonnel, Gérard Lo Monaco, Jean-Marc Desrosiers, Camille Magaud, Claire Andlauer & Tristan Perreton des Éditions A Mort, Jean-Charles Trebbi,, Peter Dahmen (DE), Maaike van der Meulen (NL), Maike Biederstädt (DE), Rianne van Duin (NL), Rosston Meyer de Poposition Press et Marianne R. Petit (USA).

Nous présenterons et signerons nos nouvelles sorties et récentes créations. La librairie Libellule et Coccinelle sera là pour vous approvisioner en livres neufs, ce pendant que les livres animés d’artistes seront disponibles directement à la table de leur créateur ou créatrice. De quoi trouver vos cadeaux de noël pour la famille et tous les amis !

Plus d’infos sur la page dédiée :

Et si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à utiliser la page Contact ou à m’écrire directement :

Entrée libre ! Faites passer le mot ! : D

À bientôt !

15e Salon du Livre Animé Paris Pop-up Book Fair du 23 novembre 2024

★ 2024, May 29

YouTube Account Termination | Edit: issue solved, account reinstated!YouTube account

My YouTube account has been terminated without warning (I am trying, without much hope, to resolve the issue and get my 150+ videos back on) so most videos on are currently not working.

In the meanwhile, I have moved to Dailymotion: and will slowly replace all links and embeds. Thanks for your patience and your understanding!

Besides that I’m still reachable everywhere else, of course: (mainly)


★ 2024, May 6.

Le Printemps du Papier 2024

Les 10, 11 et 12 mai de 11h à 19h aura lieu à Beaulieu-lès-Loches (37600) le Printemps du Papier 2024.

Organisé par l’association Outrevoir (merci Léna !), il rassemble, le temps d’un weekend, une quarantaine d’artistes papier. Pour ma part, je serai ravi de vous retrouver, en bonne compagnie, dans l’Église Saint-Laurent, pour présenter livres et œuvres (dont mon nouveau livre animé d’artiste, Création) et pour un atelier le dimanche matin.

Voici le programme complet de l’événement :
(Edit : Et quelques photos ici : )

À bientôt !

★ 2024, April 9.

Une Histoire à Malakoff: Le Magicien d’Oz

Du 22 avril au 5 mai aura lieu à Malakoff un festival autour du Magicien d’Oz, organisé par l’association Une Histoire à Malakoff. Dans ce cadre, je participe à plusieurs événements.

Le lundi 22 avril, de 14h à 18h, La Tréso (8 Av. du Président Wilson, 92240 Malakoff) accueillera l’exposition / vernissage des œuvres réalisées pour l’événement, dont mon travail, un tableau pop-up nommé Oz Fantasy. Et à partir de 18h a lieu un pot d’ouverture.

Le samedi 27 avril, de 15h30 à 17h, j’animerai avec Anne-Sophie Baumann un atelier pop-up où nous fabriquerons une carte animée autour du chapitre “Glinda exauce le vœu de Dorothée” chez Les Filles du 19 (Malakoff), sur réservation.

Pour finir, le samedi 27 avril, de 18h à minuit je participerai au marché des créateurs, rue Raymond Fassin (toujours à Malakoff), avec une sélection de mes livres animés et cartes pop-up, au côté d’Anne-Sophie. *** ANNULÉ À CAUSE DU MAUVAIS TEMPS ***

Les œuvres seront ensuite exposées à la Tréso du 6 au 31 mai, avec un vernissage le jeudi 16 mai à partir de 18h.

Le programme complet est ici.

À bientôt !

★ 2024, March 13.

Atelier pop-up “Joconde Pourrie” au Musée du Louvre

Chien Pourri est de sortie et il a décidé de visiter le Musée du Louvre avec tous ses amis…. Et si la Joconde se transformait pour l’occasion ? A l’image de Chien pourri, viens lui redonner le sourire !

Les samedi 23 et dimanche 24 mars de 10h30 à 12h30, uniquement sur réservation :

Je vous accueillerai également au Forum du Louvre et vous guiderai dans la réalisation du pop-up, de 14h à 17h les samedi 23 et dimanche 24 mars.

Vous pourrez aussi vous plonger dans la réalisation de cette carte de manière totalement autonome : elle sera à disposition de tous dans le Forum du Studio du Louvre les 20, 21, 22 et 25 mars aux horaires d’ouverture du Musée.

Le tout dans le cadre de la sortie, en avant-première, de l’album jeunesse Chien Pourri au Musée (l’école des loisirs / Musée du Louvre, 2024) de Colas Gutman et Marc Boutavant.


★ 2023, Nov 4.

14th Salon du Livre Animé & New Pop-up Books

It’s round the corner: the 14th Paris Pop-up Book Fair will take place on Nov 25, Saturday, PM 2-6, in the 9th Arrondissement City Hall, located 6 rue Drouot. Free entry and lots of amazing pop-up books and artworks to behold!

I’m really looking forward to welcoming all and everyone as the acting organizer and as one of the participating paper engineers. Here is a list of all our guests for 2023, who will be there to present their recent books and new works. You can also follow the SDLA on Instagram or Facebook. Cheers!

On this occasion I’ll also present my two new artist’s pop-up books, Calligrammes animés (Movable Calligrams) and Une Saison en enfer (A Season in Hell), as well as other new pop-up artworks like this Lettre-Océan.

Take care and see you soon!

★ 2023, July 21.

Autumn Fairs & New Pop-ups
Some Summer News for the months to come.

I’ll be present at 3 Pop-up / Artists’ Book Fairs this Fall:

  • at the Festival du Livre Animé
    September 22-24, AM 10-PM 7
    in Cluny (71), France

  • at the 18th Multiples Fair
    October 28-29, AM 11-PM 6:30
    in Morlaix (29), France

  • at the 14th Salon du Livre Animé (Paris Pop-up Book Fair)
    November 25, PM 2-6
    at the Mairie du 9e (75), like in 2021.

I’m the acting organizer for this year’s SDLA and I hope all will be at least as wonderful as the past editions! I also designed a site and set up dedicated Instagram and Facebook accounts to follow. Cheers!

Last but not least, after some health issues (unfortunately unresolved), I’m working on one new pop-up book and several pop-up cards, all of these projects being artist-made for now. More news to come!

Take care!

★ 2023, January 19.

Best Wishes and a Happy Poppin’ New Year!
If you have missed it, here is my 2023 Countdown Pop-up Card improvised on Dec. 31!

I’m also very proud to present my latest commission / collaboration, with the renowned street artist Rone for his latest installation TIME at Flinders Street Station in Melbourne, Australia. It’s called The Clock Room, it’s a pop-up paper tableau and it’s available on-site in Melbourne or here on Rone’s site. I also have a few copies for people living closer to me (contact me).

A few words, by the bye, about my YouTube channel, where I put all sorts of pop-up related videos: new works of course, but also pop-up experiments, tutorials with templates, and works that I won’t print in hundreds of copies but I can make you one especially. Subscribe for cool pop-up stuff and to support my work, thanks!

Take care!

★ 2023, Dec 9.

New Pop-up Books, Workshops & Christmas Market

The 14th Paris Pop-up Book Fair went great. I hope all of you who came had a blast. Now, a few things before closing 2023!

First, my two new artist’s pop-up books, Calligrammes animés and Une Saison en Enfer, are available for order in the Pop’Shop – entirely handcrafted and oh so gorgeous, if I may say so myself. Along with my first pop-up card template for Xmas, to craft with your kids, grand-kids or friends. Lots of fun in store.

Next, I’ll hold two pop-up workshops, one for kids, one for adults, at the Médiathèque de Montrouge (92120) on Saturday 16 December (full already, sorry!). I’ll also take part in the Christmas Market of Môm’Didot (Paris 14e), on Tuesday 19 December, PM 5:30-7:30, where I’ll bring lots of fun gift ideas.

Have a great Year-end!

★ 2023, Nov 4.

14th Salon du Livre Animé & New Pop-up Books

It’s round the corner: the 14th Paris Pop-up Book Fair will take place on Nov 25, Saturday, PM 2-6, in the 9th Arrondissement City Hall, located 6 rue Drouot. Free entry and lots of amazing pop-up books and artworks to behold!

I’m really looking forward to welcoming all and everyone as the acting organizer and as one of the participating paper engineers. Here is a list of all our guests for 2023, who will be there to present their recent books and new works. You can also follow the SDLA on Instagram or Facebook. Cheers!

On this occasion I’ll also present my two new artist’s pop-up books, Calligrammes animés (Movable Calligrams) and Une Saison en enfer (A Season in Hell), as well as other new pop-up artworks like this Lettre-Océan.

Take care and see you soon!

★ 2023, July 21.

Autumn Fairs & New Pop-ups
Some Summer News for the months to come.

I’ll be present at 3 Pop-up / Artists’ Book Fairs this Fall:

  • at the Festival du Livre Animé
    September 22-24, AM 10-PM 7
    in Cluny (71), France

  • at the 18th Multiples Fair
    October 28-29, AM 11-PM 6:30
    in Morlaix (29), France

  • at the 14th Salon du Livre Animé (Paris Pop-up Book Fair)
    November 25, PM 2-6
    at the Mairie du 9e (75), like in 2021.

I’m the acting organizer for this year’s SDLA and I hope all will be at least as wonderful as the past editions! I also designed a site and set up dedicated Instagram and Facebook accounts to follow. Cheers!

Last but not least, after some health issues (unfortunately unresolved), I’m working on one new pop-up book and several pop-up cards, all of these projects being artist-made for now. More news to come!

Take care!

★ 2023, January 19.

Best Wishes and a Happy Poppin’ New Year!
If you have missed it, here is my 2023 Countdown Pop-up Card improvised on Dec. 31!

I’m also very proud to present my latest commission / collaboration, with the renowned street artist Rone for his latest installation TIME at Flinders Street Station in Melbourne, Australia. It’s called The Clock Room, it’s a pop-up paper tableau and it’s available on-site in Melbourne or here on Rone’s site. I also have a few copies for people living closer to me (contact me).

A few words, by the bye, about my YouTube channel, where I put all sorts of pop-up related videos: new works of course, but also pop-up experiments, tutorials with templates, and works that I won’t print in hundreds of copies but I can make you one especially. Subscribe for cool pop-up stuff and to support my work, thanks!

Take care!

★ 2022, November 25.

Year-end News and Novelties!

With four new self-published pop-up/movable works: WestWorld Mind Maze Pop-up, Castlevania Movable Pop-up Map, Apollinaire’s Picture-Poem Pop-up and Paris Rooftop Cats Leporello Book. In addition to all the other works announced earlier in the previous Newsletter and on Social Networks like Instagram, all hand-made in only a few copies, that you can also find in the Pop’Shop.

You can also check out our most recent Newsletters (see the links above at the top of the page), in English or in French.

The last event of the year for me will be a solo exhibition of my pop-ups works, original dummies, drawings, etc.! centered on The Tower of Horrors and Tenniel’s Alice in Wonderland, at the Public Library of Vaujours (93410), December 3-17. We’ll also craft a fun pop-up card during a kids’ workshop on Dec. 10. More info in the About ➔ Events-Exhibition page.

Take care!

★ 2022, September 18.

I hope everyone had a Great Summer. Time for an overview of the upcoming events this Autumn!

I’ll be at the 6th Salon du Livre caudacien (94510 La Queue en Brie) on October 16, Sunday, from 10:00 to 18:00, presenting pop-up books and directing a pop-up workshop.

I’ll also be selling pop-up books and kirie artworks at the 17th Multiples artist book fair, on October 29 & 30, Sat-Sun, 11:00-18:30 in Saint-Martin-des-Champs / Morlaix (29600)

I hope to welcome lots of fine folks with new pop-up works at the 15th Salon du Livre animé on November 19, Saturday, 14:00-18:00. Annulé / cancelled…

Last but not least, I’m happy to announce a solo exhibition of my pop-ups works and original dummies and drawings at the Public Library of Vaujours (93410), December 6-17. We’ll make a fun pop-up card during the Dec 10 workshop.

Additional info about all this in the Events-Exhibition page.

Thanks! See you soon!

★ 2022, March 5.

Artists’ Books and Book-Objects Exhibition : Délires de livres 2022
organized by Am’Arts, from March 12 to April 10 at Galerie A l’Ecu de France in Viroflay near Paris

Works from 160 artists, including our pop-up artist’s books Baby Steps, Steps 2 and Small Night Steps.

I’ll be present at the opening event on March 12, Saturday, at 11 a.m. Come and say hi!

Association Am’Arts –

Galerie A l’Ecu de France – 1 rue Robert Cahen – 78220 Viroflay – Tel : 01 39 07 11 80
Tous les jours de 14h à 19h
En train : Viroflay Rive Gauche (C, N, T6) – Google Maps.

★ 2022, Feb 26.

Workshop : Atelier LaboPop PAGE COUPE PLI
le samedi 26 mars à partir de 14h30 à l’Atelier des 4 Jeudis dans le 13e à Paris!

Au programme, 3 heures d’atelier
pour une réflexion autour du pop-up sans pièce ajoutée, sur une seule feuille,
et la réalisation d’un joli petit livre animé d’artiste en leporello.

Places limitées ! Réservation auprès de Sandrine
4 rue du Champ de l’Alouette, Paris 13e – 07 68 94 65 78

★ 2022, Jan 13.

Best Wishes for the New Year to all!

One joyous piece of news is that the graphic novel 1984 by Xavier Coste (after George Orwell), for which I designed the final pop-up spread of the first printing (Sarbacane 2021, see the Bibliography section), was awarded the Prix BD Fnac / France Inter 2022, in addition to the Prix Albert-Uderzo 2021 recently. Congratulations Xavier! More links on Instagram for instance.

★ 2021, Nov 17.

I will be delighted to meet you at the Salon du Livre Animé 2021 (2021 Movable Book Fair), on November 27, Saturday, from 2PM to 6PM, at the Townhall of the 9th arrondissement, 6 rue Drouot in Paris, with La Tour des Horreurs, Tenniel’s Alice in Wonderland, Small Night Steps and other surprises!

Additional info on the website of La Boutique du Livre Animé.

The Fair was great! Thanks to everyone involved! Here is a (hectic) video tour of the event for those who couldn’t come!

★ 2021, Oct 14.

Chantelivre Paris – Les Livres de Nicolas Codron: Halloween in Wonderland!
Exhibition at THE children bookstore in Paris, Chantelivre (Paris 6), from October 28 to November 18, 2021!
Our pop-up book The Tower of Horrors and our miniature book Tenniel’s Alice will be presented in a window display inside and the books will be available for sale during the exhibition.

Additionally, the special editions of The Tower of Horrors and of Tenniel’s Alice are presently in the beautiful shop window of Librairie Lardanchet – Thierry Meaudre (Paris 8) and available in the shop until Christmas! See their Newsletter. Thanks!

★ 2021, September 23.

Salon du Livre Rare au Grand Palais Éphémère à Paris (23-26 septembre) :
Retrouvez nos créations 2021 – Alice, Steps, et la Tour en avant-première – au stand C11 chez Jacques Desse / Chez les libraires associés ! J’y serai de passage le jeudi 23 à l’ouverture. Invitations à télécharger.

Le samedi 25 septembre, je serai aux Puces de Vanves sur le stand de Stéphan Auriou / La Blanche Caroline pour présenter tous ces livres et plus encore. Avis aux amateurs !

Des questions ? Contact !

★ 2021, August 19.

Small Night Steps has joined the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York City and got highlighted on their @METlibrary IG feed. Many thanks, again!

★ 2021, July 12.

Steps 2: Colors, from our artist book series Steps, which is now part of the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York City, was featured on their @METlibrary with lavish pictures and kind praise. Thank you!

★ 2021, July 10: Newsletter #1

About Tenniel’s Alice, Small Night Steps, La Tour des Horreurs and our current exhibition in Paris.
This Newsletter is available in English or in French.

★ 2021, May 17.

MAI-JUIN 2021 ➜ prolongé jusqu’au 28 JUILLET

Les livres d’artiste animés et variations de la série d’architectures kiri-origamiques STEPS (dont un exemplaire unique Night Steps fabriqué tout spécialement pour l’occasion) et le triptyque de cartes pop-up photo-architecturales POST HIROSHIGE.

J’aurai le plaisir de vous retrouver à la librairie le 10 juin
de 16h à 21h pour une nocturne-vernissage-rencontre, à l’occasion de la Nocturne Rive Droite.

La Librairie LardanchetThierry Meaudre
100 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris – Tel : 01 42 66 68 32.
La librairie est ouverte du mardi au vendredi de 10h à 19h et le samedi de 11h à 13h et de 14h à 19h.

L’exposition durera jusqu’à fin juin est prolongée jusqu’au 28 juillet.

Infos et photos sur le blog.
Une vidéo de l’expo et des lieux sur YouTube.

★ 2021, March 31.

A few additions to the Pop’Shop these past few days:
Night Steps 1 & 2, handcrafted pop-up card variations on the artist book Steps 2,
– a Boxed Steps Color Card Set (only one copy).

If you have any question, feel free to contact me, always happy to talk and help.
Take care!

★ 2021, March 20.

Our first indie publication is out: the Post Hiroshige Pop-Up Card Set!
A collaboration with the Australian photographer Rohan Hutchinson.
Limited to only 100 numbered and signed copies; 45 are available in the Shop.
Grab one while you still can, that’s all there’s ever going to be!

Lots of projects on the table (decided on one miniature book, one pop-up book, and some pop-up cards for now).
More news as soon as can be, and glimpses on Instagram (or FB).

★ 2020, Dec. 1st.

Welcome to NC Paperworks!

Hi, this is Nick at the keyboard.
Welcome to NC Paperworks!

This new site takes the place of an older blog and features a proper Shop (at last).
It is still very bare, but bear with me: plenty of great stuff to come.
It is also very new: if anything doesn’t seem to work properly, please let me know!

It was set up to present and sell self-published collaborations with artists, artist’s pop-up books and original artworks.

Why self-publication?

Most of the publishing industry would have us believe, artists and readers alike, that pop-up and movable books are only cheap kids stuff and that pop-ups are mostly non-creative technical stuff (giving, for example, the publishers the licence not to pay us for reprints, and everyone – including other paper engineers! comparing paper engineering to door-making! – the feeling that plagiarism is OK, whereas it’s a crime of course); instead, it should be known that papered dimensional movement agrees with all art, all media and all public, that movable/pop-up making is an art (much akin to painted sculpture) and that pop-up works are time-consuming to create and expensive to produce properly.

And of course, self-publication allows complete control over the full book-making process.

To me, the pioneer in the field is Rosston Meyer’s
Drop by his website if you haven’t already!

And if you have any question or comment, don’t hesitate and contact us.
Always there and happy to help!

Cheers! – Nick

1) We’re also more or less on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
2) For the best pop-up experience possible, please disable your browser’s SNS/ad-blocking apps (which can really mess things up).

A Question?